
    Dudley Town Centre

    Dudley, UK

    Photo Credits: LITE Ltd

    Town Centre revitalized with light

    After a recession in 2008, the Dudley Town Centre had lost several key stores in its downtown Market Place. The Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council decided that a revitalization effort was needed to bring life back into the area. This project was seen as underpinning the delivery of the Area Development Framework and supported the much-needed transformation.

    The lighting design created layers to the urban spaces. Buildings were identified at each end of the Market Place that could be lit to provide visual ‘bookends’ to the space. The lighting scheme was further embellished by additional lighting in the form of uplighting to key visual items such as the Duncan Edwards and Earl of Dudley statues, underlighting of the new public benches, and uplighting the new trees planted within the Market Place.

    A variety of Color Kinetics luminaires were used to achieve the layered lighting around the town center, including Blast Powercore, ColorReach Powercore gen2, eW Reach Powercore gen2 (both now specified with ReachElite), ColorGraze MX4 Powercore, iColor Flex LMX gen2, (now specificed with Flex Compact gen3, RGB) and eW Graze MX Powercore. The whole scheme is controlled from a Pharos LPC-1 through the use of wireless DMX. In addition, the system is networked and has moveable webcams that allow for live systems monitoring and uploading/running of new shows to change the color scheme of the town center.

    Project credits


    Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council


    Application Support:

    LITE Ltd & Signify


    M&E Consultant:

    LITE Ltd / DMBC


    Electrical Contractor:

    LITE Ltd


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