
    GLQ, City of Glasgow College

    Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    Photo Credits: LITE Ltd.

    Beacon of light overlooking Glasgow

    The GLQ (City of Glasgow College, City Campus) is located on the North side of the city center, positioned on an elevated site overlooking the city. The facade of the college is almost white, so the Color Kinetics dynamic LED lighting installed on the upper levels works perfectly to outline the grid layout of the facade.


    The huge timber trusses are lit with Blast Powercore luminaires which provide a changing mood throughout the darker nights.The inner atrium space is illuminated using a combination of crisp white Philips Maxos LED luminaires providing the general illumination, backed by narrow beam iW Burst Compact Powercore luminaires. The iW Burst Compact Powercore luminaires are located and housed in the trusses which provide pools of variably changing white light on the roof.

    Project credits


    City of Glasgow College 


    Application Support:

    LITE Ltd.

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