

    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    Photo Credits: Signify Saudi Arabia

    Desert icon develops unique identity

    In the hot desert climate of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom Centre Tower dominates the city's skyline with its unique inverted parabolic arch. The 65 stories include a shopping mall, the Four Seasons Hotel Riyadh, and state-of-the-art apartments.

    Having always used innovative technologies, the iconic skyscraper looked to an LED lighting system to illuminate its environment. Previously using Philips DecoFlood fixtures, the Kingdom Centre decided it was time to upgrade to industry-leading LED technology. Project manager Waleed Abdulraouf chose Color Kinetics for the renovation.

    Ninety ColorReach Powercore luminaires (now specified with ReachElite) were installed along the 56 m (183 ft) Sky Bridge that runs across the top of the inverted arch. The countless color combinations allow for the distinctive architecture to glow with a unique identity each night.

    The switch to an LED lighting solution saves the Kingdom Centre Tower up to 80% energy savings. Previously, the fixtures would have to be changed after every 2,000 hours of use, but now the lights last nearly 50,000 hours, even while withstanding the Middle East's harsh climate.

    Along with high-quality performance and energy savings, Color Kinetics was able to finish the project four weeks before the deadline and at a lower cost than expected, making the project an overall success.
    Project credits

    TP&S Manager:

    Juan Pablo

    Project Manager:

    Waleed Abdulraouf

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