
    Matthew Street-Cavern Quarter

    Liverpool, United Kingdom

    Photo Credits: Liverpool BID Company

    Dynamic LED lighting encourages us to ‘Come Together’

    Located in Liverpool’s famous Cavern Quarter, Matthew Street is home to the iconic new Cavern Club, arguably known as the center of Liverpool’s rock and roll scene in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The street draws thousands of tourists every year who visit the attractions and references to The Beatles, including the original Cavern Club, where The Beatles played on many occasions early in their career.

    The five Cavern Quarter arches that decorate and mark the entrances to the area have been fully restored. The refurbishment is the first time the gateways have been retouched since their installation 30 years ago and included enhancement with LED lighting.

    A custom lighting solution was created for each archway to suit its individual features. Color Kinetics Flex Compact gen3, RGB was selected to illuminate the perimeter of the arches. These flexible strands of high-intensity LED nodes with intelligent RGB light can be individually controlled for dynamic light displays appropriate for the area’s celebratory pub atmosphere. The colorful lighting effects can be changed and remotely controlled to mark events and special occasions, including the upcoming Eurovision 2023 celebrations held in Liverpool.

    Color Kinetics iPlayer 3 controls the spotlighting for the arches’ Mathew Street and The Cavern Quarter nameplates, highlighting the gateways to draw people into the area.

    The new lighting solution has brought an important piece of Cavern Quarter’s identity back to life. The beautifully illuminated gateways catch visitors’ attention during the evening and create a festive atmosphere for the community and tourists.

    Project credits


    Liverpool BID Company



    AE Farrell Contracting

    Signify Certified System Integrator:


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