PureStyle Compact is perfect for grazing and washing interior spaces. In this example 45 ft of PureStyle Compact, RGBA luminaires are connected end-to-end grazing two walls of a second-floor multi-function space, creating a cohesive and colorful experience. In the street level restaurant 40 ft of PureStyle Compact, RGBA uplights glass wall panels and highlights the centerpiece bar transforming the existing architecture into a unique, immersive feature drawing pedestrians and creating an exciting and inviting space.
Data Enabler Pro powers all the luminaires in both spaces with standard wiring to junction boxes, then two leader cables, one for each run make the wiring simple and fast.
Control options
Depending on your needs, each of these controllers offer certain advantages
ColorDial Pro–A wall-mounted all-in-one PoE controller with 8 pre-programmed light shows which you can configure. These easy-to-set-up shows include fixed, variable, and random colors, and a variety of wash effects, including custom colors and chasing rainbow.
Antumbra iColor Keypad Controller–A wall-mounted all-in-one PoE controller with customizable fascia, six pushbuttons with onboard effects and configurable shows. Use the configuration software (included) to adjust the effects color, speed, and brightness, then assign the effects to any button for quick and easy playback.