
    Direct View

    Unleash your creativity with versatile dynamic light

    Direct view represents a different approach to lighting - one that we pioneered more than a decade ago - where the dynamic lighting solution itself is part of the effect or design and is meant to be looked at directly. Used as a creative tool, direct-view luminaires offer designers and architects another way to engage their audience – by displaying dynamic video, graphics, and messages - even on curved façades. With direct-view systems, you can revitalize and beautify urban areas, communicate directly with a crowd, and turn a building—or bridge, historic landmark, and beyond—into a fascinating, evolving work of art.

    Lighting designers choose Color Kinetics direct-view products for their most ambitious, artistic installations. Our expansive direct-view portfolio includes bright, addressable points of light, flexible and modular strands of nodes, lines of light that can be mounted on the exterior of a structure, and interior lighting panels. You’ll find our direct-view systems bringing new excitement, attention, and beauty to iconic structures around the world.


    Watch our direct view video.

    From dull structures to dazzling canvases

    • Maximum output for exceptional dynamic media design effects
    • Visibility in brightly lit environments, even in direct sunlight
    • Flexible interior and exterior interactive solutions, across form factors, output, and light distribution – even for unconventional structures
    • Large-scale video, graphics, messages, IoT integration, and more

    Trusted on the world’s most cherished structures

    • Unmatched expertise and innovation
    • Secure, easy remote monitoring and management
    • Seamless integrated, dynamic end-to-end systems and services
    • Simple commissioning and installation
    • Flexible mounting options, including wiring, longer run lengths, and node spacing
    • Reliable, efficient, and cost effective